Children sit statutory assessment tests (SATs) in Year 2 and Year 6. These are tests produced by the DfE and which all children must sit unless they are exempt for any reason. The results of these tests are used to compare the school against others nationally and help judge a schools effectiveness (however these are not the only measure used).

The children are usually tested in maths, reading, writing and spelling punctuation and grammar (SPAG). In Year 6 the tests are marked externally whereas in Year 2 they are marked by the class teacher. Parents and children get to find out how they have performed as part of the end of year reports.

Each year the SATs change format slightly and therefore information evenings are held to share with parents the key information they need, in order that school and home can work together to make the experience as stress free for our children whilst helping them achieve their full potential. The most recent presentations can be found below.

Please note that the timings of sitting the tests are set by the DfE and therefore no holiday leave or medical appointments should be booked during the specified testing dates.

More information will be shared with parents and children of the relevant year groups at key points during the year but should you have any questions please speak to your child’s class teacher.

For information on the school has performed previously please visit the School Performance page.

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