Rainbow Flag Award

At St John's C.E. Primary School we have achieved ‘The Rainbow Flag Award'



The Rainbow Flag Award is a national quality assurance framework for primary and secondary schools.  We chose to take part in the award in order to promote inclusion in its widest sense and it forms part of an approach designed to challenge and prevent amongst other things, LGBTQ+ phobia.  We also believed the key messages of tolerance, acceptanace and respect, reinforced and aligned positively with our school vision and values and are vital skills in the wider world.

How is the award structured?

The award covers 6 key areas which we will be evidencing throughout the school year:


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The 6 key areas required us to demonstrate that:

  • Staff, including senior leadership teams and non-teaching staff, can recognise and consistently challenge and report LGBT phobia, and are confidently using positive and appropriate language around LGBT+ identities.
  • Governors and parents understand the need to combat LGBT phobia and positively support whole organisation LGBT+ inclusion.
  • Policies are in place to address LGBT phobia and positively support whole school organisation of LGBT+ inclusivity
  • LGBT+ people and identities are positively represented across all areas of the curriculum.  This includes lessons and activities that are LGBT+ inclusive, as well as those that are LGBT+ specific.
  • Children and young people wishing to explore/express their gender and or sexuality feel supported to do so.  Skilled staff from within the organisation support them, including signposting and referrals to appropriate local youth work services.
  • Student-led initiatives are valued and supported to create an LGBT+ inclusive and positive environment.


Where we are up to?

We are very pleased that we have been successful in achieving all stages of the award 'Skilled Teacher', 'Pastoral Support', 'Inclusive Curriculum', 'Student Voice', 'Effective Policies' and 'Supportive Parents and Governors.' 

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We thank everybody for their support and input in acheiveing the award.  We hope that having gone through the process of achieving the award that St John's remains an inclusive school that aims to prepare our children to be inclusive citizens.

Should you require any further support or guidance, the following links may be of use:


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