Supporting Children at St John’s C.E Primary School
Our Intent:
A quality education at St John’s is an entitlement for all children regardless of ability, background, gender or race. Through the removal of barriers to learning and an effective partnership between parents, school and outside agencies, we aim to allow the child to develop fully, both socially and academically, and reach the same high standards as their peers. Through reasonable adjustments we aim to provide equity for all children not necessarily equality.
Curriculum Values
The school’s curriculum is designed to be accessible by all children and is focussed on the 5 core values:
- Core Standards
- Life Skills
- Wider Opportunities
- Community
- Christianity
It aims to allow for academic and personal development to support readiness for life. We allow access for all through the following ways: a Graduated Response, dependant upon need, the support, including the resources, on offer, our adult deployment, the parental engagement and our approach to transition.